Reissbrett 2024
9. April
Geschäftsitzung (regular meeting)
23. April
Diskussion in der GW Lounge (open meeting/discussion)
Gemuetlichkeit and other German words that defy translation
We will explore the Lexical Gaps (look that up) between English and German. All are welcome, and we look forward to having a rousing discourse on what can and cannot be translated between the two languages. German words like Horizontverschmelzung and Schnappsidee and English words like Big Brother. Led by Joern Freydank of Aurora #30
This is an open meeting that Aurora Lodge occasionally holds for discussion of interesting topics.
14. Mai
Geschäftsitzung (regular meeting)
28. Mai
Diskussion in der GW Lounge (open meeting/discussion)
11. Juni
Geschäftsitzung (regular meeting)
Meetings are at 7:30pm unless otherwise noted.
Die Loge ist dunkel im Juli und August.
The Lodge is dark in July and August.
10. September
Geschäftsitzung (regular meeting)
21. September
Sheepshead Social
The game comes from the German Schafkopf card game. Join our brothers for some fun and cards. Open to the public.
Saturday September 21 5-7pm
2900 S Shore Dr, Milwaukee, WI 53207
(in South Shore Park next to Lake Michigan)
bring your own pint glass (or beer stein!) and avoid the glassware deposit
8. Oktober
Geschäftsitzung (regular meeting)
22. Oktober
Diskussion in der GW Lounge (open meeting/discussion)
12. November
Geschäftsitzung (regular meeting)
10. Dezember
Wahlloge und Planungssitzung (Election and planning meeting)
Weinachtsfest (Christmas Party) - TBD
Meister vom Stuhl - Karl BuschhausErste Aufseher - Joern FreydankZweite Aufseher - Allan Ries